The usual quiet of the Avenue at 8 am on a Saturday morning was (quietly) broken by the crew filming Gracepoint yesterday doing a final clear up, loading a truck with last minute items. Reminds me of the things that get tossed into a bag when leaving a place on final day of holiday - things that won't fit into the suitcases.
Just past the Pharmacy a man was cleaning the awnings above the businesses with brush and hose. The birds who nest on the ledge above the awnings were in the trees along the sidewalk, chittering away at the disturbance.
I looked up at the birds and this feather slowly floated down in front of me: I put out hand and it landed on my glove. I was hoping to ease the angst of the birds. This feather soothed me.
Posted on February 01, 2014 at 08:57 AM | Permalink