I was reading an article in the newspaper about the Men are From Mars, Women from Venus author, John Gray and it said he engages in something he calls "gentle bouncing and limb shaking", that he was doing it while being interviewed, that he finds it ten times more effective than walking.
Well! I've been playing with this practise for months and now will take it more seriously, do it less randomly. Such is the power of sharing an experience! I came about it by chance as an antidote to reduced activity as the cooler season approached and I was no longer biking daily. I found that if, upon awakening, I sort of shimmied my whole body about (yes, a "gentle bouncing and limb shaking" aptly describes it!) before I got out of bed it felt like a jumpstart to the day.
And remembering to do this during the day, even for a few seconds, perks me up. It can't hurt and I would imagine that the beneficial aspects will increase as I do it more. And, as with any care-of-body endeavour, the body does respond and will begin to dictate when it needs a 'shake' and for how long. Often the simplest of things are the most effective.