The forecast snow that got licked by a warm wind at one in the morning (so said the weatherman on CBC Radio: it cheers me to know someone is taking notes of such things) turned to rain and had me rummaging around for a rain coat.
By the time I found it the sun was out. (This is more due to Victoria's quick and sudden weather changes than to an inability on my part to reasonably locate a specific garment.)
Before I put the raincoat back in the closet (actually, it is still not put back: the sun is out but there are clouds and wind scooting about and it just might be needed....) I took time to admire the button; the texture and exact match please me. It was made by cutting the raincoat material into a thin strip and then crocheting this 'yarn' around and into the centre of a wire hoop - a bracelet, if I recall correctly. I attach it in place at the back of the button with a safety pin. (I have said it before and I will say it again - I love safety pins!)
The coat is a simple T-design with the overlapping fronts which looks good on any body shape. I had hopes that this fabric would be completely waterproof (it stood up to my spitting on it - discreetly! - in the thrift store linen section) and it is pretty good but still more "water resistant" than "water proof". It is magnificently windproof!
The stiffness of the material definitely allows for clothing as architecture which houses the body and lets the body move within the garment. What I particularly like about this coat is that it 'talks' as it is worn - sort of like the swish of ski wear but not dependent upon fabric brushing against fabric for the sound: no, this cloth 'sings' on its own drape. I did hem the front edges and neckline to give a bit of a ridge but the sleeves and bottom edge are left free and express this in a satisfying flow- look and flow- feel.
It is now raining again! Raincoat is ready and waiting!
Posted on January 30, 2008 at 05:31 AM | Permalink