The ladybug who startled me by landing on the mystery book I was reading during dinner awhile ago came back the next day. Thinking I was not being a very gracious hostess I put a morsel of food on the table for her; a piece of potato to be exact. She walked around it, climbed on top of it, seemed to eat some of it.
Later I wondered what would be her choice were she in charge of the menu. Good old Google. Aphids! Cupboard (and garden outdoors!) were bare of aphids. Soaked raisins were the next suggestion - this in an article for those wanting to keep ladybugs who hatch indoors during the winter as pets until they can be released outside when the weather warms. (Pause here for, once again, silent amazement at the information available on my trusty PerCy with Google pointing the way). A wet piece of paper towel for a drink was also advised.
That is what you see in the picture: raisins and drink and, no, the ladybug did not return and bring two friends: those wooden bugs were sitting on the counter so I put them on the plate. Perhaps not a good idea. Ladybug has not appeared at dinner since. Perhaps she is still digesting the potato. I am feeling a bit worried.