It means different things to different people and seems a wannahave, something worthy of pursuing. Any taste of it brings happiness, contentment, and the lure is there for repetition. Particularly when it is, inherently, so - simple.
I've been seeking simplicity all my life, in a more focused way these past ten years. What an adventure! It's the hardest thing I have ever done, and yet the most satisfying.
It seems, of necessity, a solitary journey, but meeting up with fellow travellers, in person, through their writings, enhances the voyage and furthers the quest. Like cells in an organism we need each other but are uniquely independent. I am finding that it is through the expression of our individuality in service to the whole, that true contentment, enlightenment, if you will, is achieved.
I have found there are levels to 'stopping to smell the roses' and something I do or think or know today I may tomorrow do or think or know with quite a different awareness. It is both scary and exciting at the same time. Nothing changes but everything changes. Lovely paradox.
And it is not something I can learn from another or teach to another. No, I must experience it for myself, guided by others' example, by my doing giving example to others. This for me is genuine, 'tool acquisition' knowledge.
This morning I sought the sun on the front porch stairs, a rarer gift than a month or so ago when doors and windows were, first thing, flung wide and the outdoors was not so separate, not so much a thing to be reclaimed, weather permitting. Today's weather more than permitted!
The cats were there, of course. We claim ownership to none at the moment but no matter. As lovers of cats know, the word goes out, and the space in home and heart that our own cat might occupy is soon filled by orphans or passersby or neighbour cats. We are willing to be shared and our habitat and my homebody presence has assured a full quota of cat population.
So all three cats were there. And the resident sparrows were making hasty work of the morning's offering, bread suitably placed in the feeder high on the fence, and the last chunk of cake, more a challenge, on the ground. A huge glittering crow in the cherry tree was trying out some new vocabulary and compounded the draw of the sun to get me soonest to leave soup simmering and a load of wash awaiting to just get outdoors!
Top of the totem Cat was on the stoop beside me. He too raised his face to the sun, eyes closed in bliss. His deep belly breath reminded me of a new found skill - breathe deep instead of high and feel the amazing effects. (Such breathing helps staunch fear, clear my sinuses, makes decision making easier, lets me tolerate minor surgery better, grind spices effortlessly, and goodness knows what else, still to be discovered).
I accepted the joy of the moment and watched the cat. Once he had paid homage to the sun he stretched out on his side and I could fully admire the remarkable patterns and colours that make up his coat. Black and brown and copper and grey in swirls and sweeps and geometric lines and then the most flawless white bib under his chin and down his chest. He never seems to soil this bib (unlike several children I have known and a lady not a hundred miles from here - well, chins are terribly convenient from which things drip and bib/chests the likeliest receptacle).
Today, Top Cat (we call him Sims, not knowing for ages if he were Simon or Simone) concentrated on his right armpit. It needed not only a good licking but several nuzzles and bites and pulls, as well. It took him forever to finally be satisfied and I was on the point of a gentle interference to see if perhaps a burr had worked its way into this tender spot.
I was aware of the sun warm on my face and my head and my hands, of the birds chittering away and rushing from forsythia bush to fig tree to eaves with one brave tweet hanging onto a pampas grass stem and rocking gladly. Cars and people passing in the distance on the street were on the edge of my attention. I could smell the soup simmering on the stove and part of me listened for the phone. But for the moment I was compelled by Cat and that has scented my day.
Then the orange explosion of a kitten from next door suddenly sat up his straightest further along the steps and gave voice to the crow now above his head on the hydro line. It was that sort of teeth-bared talking that cats can do.
"That crow is bigger than you are," I reminded the fluff ball. He gave me a tolerant look. Had we not shared the earliest morning sun pouring in a slope across the garden and making the bushes steam. I was out sweeping water from the bird feeder and kitten had leaped onto the picnic table between me and the sun hoping for a tidbit. Once his shadow had moved suddenly, unexpectedly, magnificently across me, startling me, delighting me, I would have cooked him a full breakfast! He seemed content with a piece of the bread.
Such is my participation in simplicity. What is yours? And why?
For me it allows more and more receptivity so that I go with the flow of life and become aware of how effortless and right and wonderful it can be. And I crave it, oh how I crave it. It keeps me seeking on.
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