I got thinking about the ways of counting rows and what would suit me in this respect.....one thing led to another......
My love of dolls came up with the figure, twisted and tied with five-ply white jute, the ply unraveled to suggest dress or apron. Nine knots on each leg. One leg for the ones; the other leg for the tens. A clothespeg marker for each. Forty-five rows are indicated, counting from the top. The size of those clothespins do not suit - I need something larger.
Then I got to thinking that Dolly could be used for counting other things. A calendar wouldn't work - too awkward having 31 knots for days on a leg. Maybe a way of showing a child how many 'sleeps' to a birthday or Christmas or school starting. Perhaps an indication of weight loss or merits gained. Hmmm.
Posted on April 13, 2023 at 08:00 AM | Permalink
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