It's here and there in the garden and fascinates me with its texture and structure and colour and - beauty! I had wondered if I could spin with it....
A google search (and how tangenty that can be!) seemed to bring more questions than answers.
Still have no idea if I can spin with it or how to prepare the plant to produce fibre for spinning.
Many medicinal uses are given but no actual method of doing so is given and caution is muchly given. The dinosaurs are said to have eaten it.
It is said to grow "as far north as Canada." Uh- huh.
It is said to be good for scrubbing pots.
In my garden (Canadian - a hop across ocean in a northerly direction from the "as far north....") it is considered a weed to be pulled before it takes over. In California it is used in minimalist gardens and in dry gardens and in rock stream bed gardens with its features appreciated.
So, for the moment, the horsetail that trotted indoors with me this morning is now in a vase and making a statement of bouquet.