8 a.m. Monday Morning
A bright yellow taxi - Yellow Cab - is parked across the street. No one in it. 381-2222 in large numbers on its back hips, or whatever that part of the car is called. When asked to call a cab in a park last weekend the numbers 2222 came to mind and after further memory delving came up with 381. I missed the name the dispatcher said when she answered - thrilled, I suppose that she said "cab" - so at the end of the conversation I asked what cab company was it, please. She told me, sounding puzzled, so I explained that I had called from memory and was glad I had remembered correctly. She laughed but still sounded doubtful. I was about to (over)explain, in some attempt to reassure her, that I was not to be the passenger. But I didn't. This would likely have made it worse. So I now stare at the phone number on the taxi and think, "Yep, advertising works."
A van drove up behind the yellow taxi and a man got out, took a picture south along Cook Street (the mountains are not in view this morning) then walked to the middle of the road, aimed his camera northward, then got back into the car and was driven away. Wonder what that was all about.
A grandma-type lady walks by pushing a tyke in a stroller; we exchange good morning greetings and grandma-proud smiles. As she passes I notice her stylish-looking sneakers and give some thought as to what makes them attractive as well as functional. Most sneakers are not flattering. I think it was the colour, in two-tones, separated by lines of detail. I would have asked her to stand still for a closer perusal but she was a complete stranger. Besides, she had walked by before I thought of doing so.
The SUV with the baby driving has not passed by this morning. The van has a right hand drive and the first time I saw it I did a double take at the baby in the - usual - driver's seat. Understandably startling.
The sparrows are eating the raw peanuts I toss to them. Is this a new thing - sparrows eating peanuts? It seems recent to me.
I breathe into my tea cup and cause steam to rise and be inhaled into my head to keep my sinuses supple.
Cab driver has returned to his vehicle and drives off.
Another man who has been sitting in his car by the curb here gets out and walks slowly toward the Medical Center across from the Deli. I have had total strangers stop and tell me about their pending visit to a doctor in that building and the reason for it. I must look friendly with my Knitting and my tea.
The lady who told me, on Friday, that she was 21 days from her due date, ambles by, now 18 days according to the calendar. Baby may have a different idea. I told her I would soon see her passing with him on the outside and she said the stroller is ready - and so is she "to put him down."
The wind is trying to braid the striped grass under the hedge here where the sparrows are dining but like too-short hair the grass blades keep coming undone.
Posted on June 19, 2007 at 07:00 AM | Permalink