This sudden urge to make dolls again (and what causes this??!!) got me seeking out those I have made in the past.
The ballerina and mermaid were done more than twenty years ago and are showing their age. They are nicely pose-able and on more than one occasion, the ballerina, perched on a shelf, would suddenly have a limb move and startle me considerably.
These are English peddler dolls, made with a clothespin base, displaying their wares from toys to bread to cooking utensils; one is knitting, of course. They are around thirty years old and I only have a picture of them: they were part of an art show.
This sunbather couple is part of a series of dolls made from rocks over the past twenty years. Large ones have occupied the garden and the veranda; small ones are paper weights in the house. Each one is named: they are characters!
This is the doll knotted from the interfacing material I was using to wrap Christmas gifts and the first in the recent parade. I love the fluidity of this doll and how she places herself depending on where she is 'placed'. For the photo shoot it was a seat; in the kitchen, on the table, she leans back against a clear glass vase holding knitting needles.
This is a doll in progress. I'm not entirely sure she is going to 'work' to the vision I have of her but so far it looks promising. It's a slow progress, a slow unfolding with only a few inches happening in each session. What is interesting is that her name is Millie - so I suppose, having this established, she is planning on making a definite appearance - and - I had better go and take those knitting needles out of her!!!