When I saw blackboard cloth being sold by the yard in a funky store - Lazy Susan's 1974 Oak Bay Avenue in Victoria - I had to buy some.
What to do with it? Several ideas came to mind - and a note that is still 'simmering: I have enough fabric left - but the wish for a larger carryall for Knitting and books and post office'y stuff resulted in this.
The webbing is upholstery strips which seemed perfect for the blackboard theme and which I happened to have in my stash; the best part is that I found it!
The point, of course, is the need to write things down before we 'forget' them, and........the need to... now... add details........: the dot on my wrist that would have immediately reminded me of why I had written it a year or so ago now only gets a blank stare unless I have added to the dot extra information.
This bag has more space than my wrist!
Posted on November 23, 2007 at 05:28 AM | Permalink