If a fly or a bee comes into the house and one points it back toward the window or door through which it entered, most of the time, it exits. I have experienced this over and over again across the twenty years of living on the west coast. Others have said the same thing. I think it has to do with the temperate climate and open doors and windows and only occasional screens; insects learn "oops" and go back out.
This bee must have come in just before I was going out and, unfortunately, closed the window.
I did not notice it here, on the fibre, on the spindle, until I picked up the spindle intending to spin.
At first I thought it a spot of yellow that I had somehow spun. But no, it was the pollen. And then I saw the bee.
The bee was dead. It was too late to offer it an open window.
That it settled on the spun fleece both saddens and comforts me.
Posted on June 15, 2011 at 02:22 AM | Permalink