Franklin Green park on Mason Street just off Cook is being refurbished with new playground equipment, more seating, a water fountain, landscaping. It's a work in progress with the purpose of providing a place for people to come and 'play' in all aspects of that word: relax, sit and think, sit and chat, watch their kids enjoy the swings and slides and climbing apparatus. The ground under the equipment is that nifty spongy covering that is kind to sudden contact of skin or limbs. Some of the equipment has been 'tagged' with graffiti; there were two people sleeping beside their shopping carts off in the corner; a man was walking his dog; I was occupying and observing.
This is one of Sandra Millott's mosaics and since its creation a few years ago was a chance find for anyone walking through Franklin Green but now it is a feature. (She has art pieces around the city; one being a spectacular community effort in large cylindrical form on Belmont St across from the Oakland Community Center.)
Those are my wet footprints and will dry away; the 'autograph' - or maybe a comment - is more permanent.
These sling swings - and the wooden bench swing in the background! - are the best part of the park for kids of all ages. Swings are soothing and satisfying both physically and mentally. They are fun! I once watched the postman stop for a time on the tire swing we had in our front garden. Grandbaby has a wooden swing in his yard that is big enough for both of us. You can self-propel on a swing but having someone to push you "higher! higher!" is special.
I once rented a day care center for an afternoon and invited a dozen or so grown-up people to come and play. It was a worthwhile endeavour and made me realize that we do not leave our two-year old or five-year old or sixteen-year old self behind; this awareness is a good tool in many situations.
While I was sitting on the bench swing and moving slowly back and forth the body adjusted to the gentle rhythm; the breath became deeper and calmer; the mind eased thinking of where I had been and where I was going and the why's of both of these; the eyes began to look around and notice things. One was this bright mural over on a wall.
Eventually I sauntered over to investigate.
St. Aidan's Youth 2006 Summer Fun
it says on the bottom.
People going to and from work might take a few moments to start or end their work day with a swing. Seniors to and fro'ing for groceries at Wellburn's. Parents chatting while their kids play. Whoever was sleeping under colourful tarps beside their shopping carts when their day began. The post person whose route this is. The public spaces wordsmiths. I hope lots of people enjoy the swings.
I had kicked some litter away from the bench swing before I used it. As I left, I picked up the litter and put it in the garbage can. Didn't want 'my' park that had provided me with such a nice swing to look messy.