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Nut Butters
A sudden return to Indian cooking and the need for finely chopped onions and garlic had me thinking about one of those whakty-whakty-whatkty choppers, the kind where you put the vegetable in a glass jar and attach a contraption on top and hit the flat handle which makes the spring-loaded (sharp!) blades whakty whakty whakty up and down and chop the onion.
In the course of the quest at the weekly church thrift shops I was advised that one of these mini electric food processors would do an even better job. So I got it.
Boy, does it ever! Onions and garlic are chopped coarse or fine, effortlessly, by merely pressing on the switch. And it cleans in a jif.
I came across another one at a garage sale on the weekend and was showing it to a friend and saying I had just gotten one and loved it and wasn't it interesting how I had never noticed them before and now this was the third one in the last week but I didn't need another one.
She said she had one as well and used it to make sunflower seed butter and told me how to do it ....
I now have two mini processors. One for onions and garlic. One for nut butters.
Some roasted peanuts put into the container with a bit of oil turned into wonderful peanut butter for the first attempt. The taste of freshly made peanut butter was fantastic; the fact of having just made it with peanuts I had just purchased and could make in an amount that would be eaten and not need to be stored enhanced the experience. I then tried it with mixed nuts. Wow. This is today's batch: almonds with some stewed dates and grated cocoa mass. It became the topping on breakfast bannock.
Always something new to discover.
Posted on May 05, 2011 at 12:48 PM | Permalink