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Crafty Gardener

That's a cute wearable garden and I bet it smells nice too. And once the cutting have died away you will still have the wristband. I'm a bracelet person and wear 1 or 3 every day. One of the little girls I work with has to try on my bracelets everyday before we start our therapy session.

laughing purple goldfish

okay... that something I would never have thought of knitting! thanks for sharing :)


Crafty, sounds like bracelets are a wonderful 'tool' in communication with this little girl. Do you make bracelets?


Laughing, you're welcome. You could tuck sprigs of herbs like rosemary and sage (are these common in your area?) in any one of your lovely bags to get the experience of carrying/wearing scented plants - I find it quite worthwhile.

Crafty Gardener

I do make a lot of the bracelets Karen. Lots of them I buy at markets and sales. Yes, every kind of communication with autistic students is good.

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