A few Sundays ago, at the Monterey Centre, as we played darts, there were references to music and how it could affect our game and our lives. At times we have burst into song and this is a most amazing experience.
The Lounge Lizards in the - well, lounge, of the Centre - were in full swing with regulars and guest performers.
At coffee break the darts group sat in the lounge. I never made it back to darts that afternoon. The music was my kind of music, songs I know and love and could and did singalong with.
Then I thought I could hear music coming from the Courtyard and was curious. Good heavens. The daughter of a woman I know was playing the piano in there. Classical music. For her own enjoyment and her mother's; she was visiting from Vancouver. Classical music affects me in a different way. I need and want to be able to singalong - to participate (Pete Seeger would only give a performance if people could and would sing along) but music without words does carry me elsewhere as well and I will stay until it fills me to overflowing and then I have to go somewhere and settle.
Oh, the power of music.
It has been a major part of my life.
My mother would read poetry to my brother and me, poetry that had rhythm and cadence, poetry that her voice and her breath would personify, dramatize. To me, music is poetry being sung. Some of the many poems I have written over the years 'came with music'. I would sing them to my kids while driving.
Poetry ..... music .... is something that companions us in life. Always accessible. Triggered, usually by nature. Nature, human and otherwise.