(My apologies to the young man, yesterday, who stopped to watch me with my camera pointed at car wheels who stated "You're taking pictures of tires' with a "what the heck are you doing?" tone and, prompted by that horrid need for correctness, I replied, "Hubcaps" and he then said/asked "There must be a lot of kinds of hubcaps." and I answered, "I'm going to write about these" and he looked absolutely flummoxed when he realized it was my car as I got in and drove away. I felt he would have been even more bewildered had I tried to explain the "conversations" aspect.)
Many months ago when I had already had my lovely Yaris for a few years I parked her in the Village, got out, and noticed a man staring at the car. At the hubcaps.
"I see you also have 'conversations with the curb', he said. The "also" got me standing and staring with him.
"I've not had this problem before, " I told him. "I think it's because the car seems to be wedge-shaped and I misjudge angles when parking."
Well, turned out he had a Yaris, too, and had come up with the same conclusions!
Yesterday, when I caught sight of the increased evidence of 'conversations' I thought of that man and how a problem can become rather endearing when viewed differently.