If we go to India for a visit we recall what it was like to be there even when we are no longer in India but when we are back home. A thought or sound or sight or smell may be the trigger and suddenly we are 'in India' again; it has become a part of us.
It is the same with ageing.
We have been two years old, eight years old, twelve years old etc. But we think we have left those ages behind, never consider that ageing is accumulative, that we carry the experience of each age, that it is often triggered. That we now are a two year old etc. with thirty-six or forty-nine or whatever years of living. This awareness, this attitude, this 'tool' is most worthwhile.
And if time is ubiquitous, then at aged two and aged eleven etc. we are also our forty-five year old self, our nineteen year old self etc.
Puts a different perspective on the age we think we are now.
Thanks for reminding me about my 7 year old self - so often we forget about the child in ourselves and take like too 'grown up'.
Posted by: Michele | May 06, 2012 at 05:12 AM