In less time than it took to drink a cup of coffee, this scarf was completed using hands and arms as the knitting needles.
Six stitches of strands from three balls of a spring-weight cottony/rayon yarn were cast onto my wrist (a wider scarf with more stitches would have been cast onto my arm) and then knit in garter stitch, back and forth, using the hands as the needles.
For a more detailed explanation of the process click here and you can read about it on page 36 of Knitting Intuitively With Almost Anything on Google Books. It's freely accessible.
I know how to finger crochet .
What about weaving? Hmmm. In a seated position I could warp across calves between knees and ankles and then use hand as shuttle to fill in the weft. The Irish fishing line would work as warp and maybe the sleeves of the fibre archeology thrift store treasures of the cashmere sweater stash would provide an interesting weft. An extra rug at the back door would be handy and this might suit.
Six feet of knitting not many minutes later, finishing knots for interest and weight at each end..... presto ..... scarf.