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Speaking of birds, I just came home from an evening stroll and I discovered a round ball of fluff by the curb. It turned out to be a baby robin who did not seem able to fly. Two more ladies stopped to observe the baby robin. The squawking of the adult robins overhead was very loud and as we all looked up we counted over 6 adult robins. So one of the ladies gently picked up the baby robin and carried it to a safe spot away from the road. I never realized that so many adults care for one baby robin. Did you?


No, I did not. I had an idea crows do but not robins. Hope the parents .... aunts and uncles ..... rescued it!


I agree with having perches for the hummingbirds - though they don't always use it. I think it is a nice option for them to rest awhile - as I sometimes wonder if what they are eating from the feeder while 'on the wing' even matches their output.


Hello Terri
You have increased my knowledge by saying they don't always use the perch. Hmmm. Any idea why not? Girth control? I once experimented with standing up to eat and found this improved the posture and the digestion; the comfort of being seated prompted a return to being seated ..... sitting up straight.

Crafty Gardener

The hummers that visit our feeders vary between using the perch and just hovering. I have some tomato cages nearby now and they will perch on that for a few moments before flitting on to another spot.


Morning Linda
Have you formed any opinions from your observations as to why they choose perching or hovering? I have only the single feeder out at the moment with a perch and the perch is always used. So I am curious as to comparisons.

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