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Crafty Gardener

being the thrifty person I would go for (and do) the one with the most, 200 sheets ... and how about you? were you just pondering?

Fran Dale

Try never to get stuck in the shampoo section. Fran


Morning Crafty
Actually I went for the 176 sheets one for two reasons - and I find it fascinating at what does govern choices if we stop to think about it - I had not had that kind before so decided to try it, and the "absorbent pillows" feature on the soft one reminded me of reading that tissues can add to the problem when people use them for the nose; I have had enough experience with 'dust' affecting the sinuses to take note. Inputful life!


Hello Fran
Oh now I am laughing - heartily - safely - in front of the computer screen! Thanks.

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