Mentally saying - or saying out loud (and experimenting with these two ways is worthwhile) a sentence with the same intent but using different words can produce surprising and different and beneficial results.
Is it purely individual or is there a collective component; I would think from what others have to say on the subject that it is more of the latter, meaning that some words carry an inherent value or weight.
Play around with this: think or say "I am grateful for......." Wait a second or so to absorb the feeling of this.
Now say or think "I appreciate ......" with the same words following. There is much more participation in the second statement, much more of a give and take which benefits the expanding nature of this universe. In the former there seems to be an understood ".... and I hope it lasts" or "..... and I hope I am worthy of it." In the latter it implies " ... and it makes me feel good."
Both compound.