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They are all awesome, I can;t wait to continue to see over time what amazing spinning you come up with!


Karen you are too creative, it is blowing my mind! Love Samara


I made terrariums, Leif hasn't seen them yet. It is a surprise!

Marilyn G

spinning and weaving and knitting oh my .... good for you, Karen! (I hope to bring my new wheel home soon so I can start playing with spinning, too -- like you, when I get to KBN, I just like to watch....)


Hello Stephanie
You are a great inspiration! Much gratitude.


Hey there my dearest Samara - we will hang out at KBN when you are here this summer. Terrariums? I will check them out in a flickr!


Hi Marilyn
I was wondering where your wheel was. Where is it? (: I think you are going to be very pleased with this whole new adventure.

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