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DEEP FRIED eggs on toast with Marmit spread on it...now THAT is definitely a Yech! (love your spelling of that word!..)

Would like to see the pink dress...bring it to knitting next Monday?? please.

Crafty Gardener

I love Marmite, and my girls love it too. You have to use it very, very sparingly. I definitely think it is an acquired taste. I would love to have a cookbook like that. Guess I'll have to start hunting at rumage sales.

Crafty Gardener

I love Marmite and so do my girls. You have to use it very, very sparingly. It is definitely an acquired taste. I'll have to start hunting rumage sales for a cookbook like that.

Crafty Gardener

Sorry for the duplicate comment. I left a comment and it didn't show up so I thought I had hit preview instead of post, so left another comment.

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