This wearable garden (originally posted here) is getting to the end of its time, I would think, but this is also what I was thinking a few weeks ago so it may continue to surprise me. That is the sunflower on the left and the flax on the right.
When not being worn it hangs above the kitchen sink and gives me pleasure whenever I see it. I can also keep an eye on it and dribble in some water when the leaves begin to droop.
I am wondering what kind of wearable garden to plant next. Any suggestions?
In the late fall I fill large tubs with greenery cut from cedar, sumac, yew, spruce etc. I'm wondering if you could cut small pieces and create an arrangement in your wearable garden.
Posted by: Crafty Gardener | September 20, 2008 at 04:08 PM
Oh...that is worth considering....I will think on this. Would be quite the setting for one of the dolls I am working on. Thanks, Crafty. I guess you are using your tubs with the greenery for decoration - indoors or outdoors? Btw, did you make it to Abkhazi Gardens when you were out here? I had lunch there with a friend yesterday - had not been for ages - and now am wondering if you had the experience.
Posted by: karen | September 20, 2008 at 08:04 PM