Bubbles are camera clowns and if you don't believe this, then get out your camera, blow some bubbles and start to take their picture. This photo was captured only after more than one batch suddenly, as a team, turned back and swamped me, glasses lens and camera lens at risk of a soaking. Another bunch just sunk out of sight. The wind got into the game and after one magnificent production of bubbles from a single wand puff (well, it was a lonnnnggggg puff but the solution had to be co-operating) the wind became like a frantic traffic officer and directed bubbles thisaway and thataway and up and down and out of view before I could raise the camera. So I am thankful I got this shot of the aerial antics. And some colour magic .
Bubbles will sit nicely on a wet surface. These got all chummy during a dawn session on the railing still wet with nighttime dew. Blowing bubbles just after a rain can bring surprising results as the bubbles perch in unexpected places. They will become an accessory on damp skin or clothes or hair. You can 'wear' bubbles.
Blowing bubbles outdoors at night is worthwhile. Moonlight and bubbles are quite special. As are sunsets and bubbles, of course.
Sometimes I have a small container of bubbles in the car and blow them out the window at stoplights. Sometimes I blow a stream on a street, discreetly, while walking or sitting on a patio, and watch the reaction.
Commercial bubble solutions are fine but homemade ones are better. Google for many recipes and to get a glimpse of people who take bubbles seriously. With a good solution you can bounce bubbles or poke a straw into one and blow it bigger, or build a series of bubbles, or blow bubbles inside bubbles inside bubbles. Or make giant bubbles with giant wands.
I took a workshop on bubbles once. I stood in a pan of bubble solution inside a hula hoop. Two people lifted the hula hoop up around me. I was standing inside a bubble. It was a most memorable experience.
Grandkiddo likes bubbles. He is the type of person who looks and thinks and then acts so bubbles are given some consideration and not just chased after and burst. However, should a gang of bubbles float by with the intent to nuzzle a cheek, well, he will
nuzzle them right back.