Before I acquired a 'proper' yarn swift (one that was made specifically for unwinding wool from a skein) I had an "aha" moment while looking at a sock dryer.
It was at a garage sale; a woman was holding one up and wondering if all the spines were intact, and as she twirled it I could suddenly 'see' a skein of wool resting on the top and the yarn unwinding nicely and neatly and without complaints (as in kids forced asked nicely to hold the skein on hands with arms apart saying they can't do it forever and how much longer is it going to take and did this mean extra allowance and whose idea was this anyway etc.)
My doubtful look that implied that the spines looked a bit shaky likely had nothing to do with her not buying it; in any case I scooped it up the minute she put it down. It worked wonderfully as a yarn swift. It did not adjust to take large skeins as a 'proper' one does but the use of clothes pegs on the spines kept regular-sized skeins appropriately taut.
This is not the original sock dryer but one I came across at a church sale. They are available at dollar stores for a buck or two.
During the photo shoot a hummingbird sat nearby in a tree with occasional swoops toward the feeder just above the swift and the impatient clicks it made reminded me of those sons......