The ocean has a - considerate! - sense of humor. I was standing exactly where a huge wave crashed over the cement wall and soaked the sidewalk but had moved several steps backward to better focus on the logs. That's the breakwater in the background and the cheering beacon of the red OPEN sign on the Ogden Point Cafe. I've been told that it is not legal to remove logs from the ocean, that they are numbered and have 'escaped' from log booms. (boons?) The idea of this I find rather charming and was why I was taking a picture of these 'wood errants'. In the hedge lining the lower walkway, where someone has hung seed feeders, the sparrows were having breakfast and I surreptitiously (I thought) dropped the crusts from my toast under the branches. Within seconds gulls appeared from nowhere, screeching and diving, and zeroing in on the scraps. It would be interesting to have an overview of this whole thing, of where the gulls were and was one on watch and was it his or her screech that alerted the bunch or merely one noticing and hoping to get there first. I do know, from previous observation, that the sparrows will retreat hastily and wait on the crumbs the gulls will leave. And that if I had taken the time to break those crusts into small pieces the gulls would not or might not have either noticed or bothered. Size seems to govern the size of the bird attracted.
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