This attention-getting item has been curbside for several days now. The fact that it has not been soonest claimed (and the price is certainly right!) may mean we already have a toilet as good as or even better so there is no need to upgrade. It may mean we have considered it as a planter in the garden but rejected the idea. It may mean that the artistic sideways positioning with the advertisement of a lid has prevented any serious takers from trying it out.
Whatever the reason for its extended life by the side of the road, the most important factor to note is - the toilet paper roll receptacle is included in the offer!!!!!
It could be that a total renovation is in effect and something more snazzy is going to hold the tissue.
But perhaps this has become an enlightened household whose Western world's habit of washing face and hands with water after getting food into the body but swiping the posterior end with dry paper after elimination has caught up with eastern countries like Japan.
Google bidet toilets for an explanation of this rather delicate topic. is a comprehensive site.
Which leads to the issue of ergonomic toilets and a beneficial posture. Try this: sit as far forward as possible on the toilet seat with back straight and feet flat on floor. Now gradually slide feet back. Heels will come off floor and knees will be lower than hips. Let the body lean forward keeping back straight but not rigid. Adjust position for comfort. Relax and perch for a bit and see how it feels.
This can be used on a chair for eating, working, computering, etc. It is similar to the position the kneeling chair provides but without the stress on the knees. It really is that simple!
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