An earth-touching woman, solid, encased in black with perky hair, stares out at us for a long moment, opens her mouth and mesmerizes with a song that could be a dirge or a celebration or any other magic of music of pure expression: it is in Ukranian; she prefaces a folk tale with it. An ochre-hued man with dreadlocks and far-seeing eyes falls to the ground in a sudden roll and we can 'see' the guards who have pushed him, the Prince, and his father, the King as he recounts an original fable. Robbie Burns - one of his poems, some of his history, is pegged out in spoken words for our viewing. A comfortable-looking woman with a naturally comfortable style allows us the gift of truly relaxing as we effortlessly enter the world of what she has to share.
A duo - she with tail and fur and scales and feathers, he with the simplest of sound-making instrumensts - take us on a romp through the animal kingdom. This is but a part of it. I once again carry the enthrallment of being present at the Victoria Storytellers Guild monthly gathering.