The winter jasmine is beginning to diminish in number and brilliance and I notice this on the day I also become aware of forsythia bursting into bloom. Considering that I noted Nov 11 as the first sighting of the first yellow winter jasmine flowers, more than three months of continual sunny offerings seems above and beyond the call of duty!
A fly that flew into the open door of my home and then after a casual browse around made its way unerringly out has me again wondering if anyone has studied insects which are born and bred in a moderate climate to see if they have an added intelligence of direction. Over a decade or so I’ve observed that bugs don’t seem to stay trapped in windows out here– they leave the light and find the open door or the open window where they entered. I also have noticed that if you point a finger at one that seems a bit confused it does seem to benefit from the guidance.
Speaking of weather – got chatting with another person this morning who also has relatives back in eastern Canada where the weather has been distressingly wintery. We were discussing the fine line between mention of our blossoms and green grass and singing robins being seen as “rubbing it in” or examples of choices we have made and why we are here. Without the ‘role models’ of those who lived here already and told me about it I would never have realized this lifestyle and temperate climate existed. And in Canada, at that. Seems those who react badly are those who don’t feel they have a choice.
Our Flower Count doesn’t start until next week and since we are experiencing a spring two to three weeks early I am wondering if we will be allowed to count blossoms that have already fallen from those flowering cherry trees that line the streets and make Victoria a giant orchard. They drop fragrance as well!